Make a Payment
General Payment Info:
- Note that online service fees are higher than paper transactions sent by mail with a check. For your convenience you can use credit cards to make payments through PayPal for your registrations, transfers, and memberships, and Breeder Pages.
Membership Payment Info:
- Note – There is no separate family membership category. The voting membership category allows registering of sheep in the name of the individual member, business/corporate/partnership/family member or allows families and partnerships to register sheep in the name of individual members of the family or partnership.
- In order to register sheep, breeders must have an up-to-date KHSI membership.
- Youth Memberships are Free!
Registration Payment Info:
- Transfer fee applies when Owner on application for registration is other than Flock of Origin. This includes transfers between family members.
- Reclassification: For sheep previously recorded or registered that are having hair coat type added.
- Reissue: Lost or destroyed certificates, corrections, submission error.
“Other” KHSI Payments
Enter the invoice # in the text field, then click the “Buy Now” button below and enter the amount you want to pay. Once you click through this route, you can log into PayPal to complete the transaction, or pay directly by credit card. Please do not use this field to pay for Registry Services or Membership Dues, those have their own buttons elsewhere on this page.
Invoice # :
US Memberships Fees – Renewals after 1/31 are considered “Late Renewals“
Non US Membership Fees – Renewals after 1/31 are considered “Late Renewals“
Animal Registration Fees
US Member Registration Fees
Non US Member Registration Fees
Youth Program Donations
Youth Scholarship Donations
Youth Show Premium Donations