KatPlus Commercial Ewe Program

Goal of KatPlus Commercial Ewe Program:
Link commercial sheep operations buying hair sheep ewes with producers of larger groups (10 or more) of quality commercial hair ewes sired by registered Katahdin rams or out of registered Katahdin ewes.
Flocks enrolled in the program are required to:
- Must be a KHSI member in good standing
- Either way at least one parent must be a registered Katahdin. Ewes must be sired by a registered Katahdin ram owned by participant and recorded by such with the KHSI registry or ewes must be dammed by a registered Katahdin ewe owned by participant and recorded by such with the KHSI registry.
- Must be enrolled in the Katahdin replacement ewe program
- KHSI registered flocks can self-enroll in program
- Commercial flocks may be enrolled by seller of registered ram or can enroll themselves if they breed to a registered ram.
- Sire of ewes need not be identified but is encouraged to aid merchandizing by:
- Allowing resulting ewes to enter the KHSI “upgrading” program
- Identification of NSIP sires will allow some prediction of daughters potential performance levels by use of sires genetic evaluations.
- Dams of Kat Plus ewes must be identified as registered if not out of a registered Katahadin ram.
- Size of offering: Minimum of ten ewes
- Katahdin Commercial Ewe Tags – Upon enrollment KHSI will issue an allotment of unique Katahdin Commercial Ewe tags to the participant. Tags will have the KHSI logo and be black in color. KHSI will provide tags to participating flock at cost of $1.00 per tag..
- Notification of availability: Offerings will be listed on the KHSI webpage under ads tab listed Katahdin commercial ewes.
- Bill of Sale: While not required KHSI recommends all sale transactions have a bill of sale issued. Examples of such documents can be found at: https://eforms.com/bill-of-sale/livestock/
For those wanting to raise sheep for the program,
the following file is the application/registration form.
Informational flyer for KatPlus program may be downloaded.
All transactions are between the buyer and the seller. KHSI is only helping make the introduction.
Submit completed registration form above to KHSI Operations at [email protected] to enroll.
Buying Commercial Ewes
Are you looking to buy large lots of commercial Katahdin influenced ewes? We are providing a market place on our website for commercial hair sheep flocks producing ewes from Registered Katahdin Rams. Go to www.Katahdins.org and look for the KATPlus Ewe page. Read the descriptions of the management styles of the sheep offered for sale and pick what is important to you in attaining your goals.
All transactions are between the buyer and the seller. KHSI is only helping make the introduction.