NSIP Articles
Maternal Traits
Got Milk? Pasture Profits Depend on It (Janet McNally, KHSI Hairald, Spring 2006)
The Madams (Dr. Charles Parker, KHSI Hairald, Winter 2006)
Parasite Resistance
Further Thoughts on Selecting Parasite Resistant Sheep (James Morgan, PhD, KHSI Hairald Spring 2007)
Section & Accuracy
Making Progress With Lowly Heritable Traits (James Morgan, PhD, KHSI Hairald Summer 2012)
Selecting Superior Meat Sheep (James Morgan, PhD, KHSI Hairald, Summer 2008)
Planning for the Next Generation (Kathy Bielek, Ohio and Roxanne Newton, Georgia)
Using EBVs to select replacements (Kathy Bielek, Ohio & Roxanne Newton, Georgia)