NSIP Help Documents: Getting Started
We appreciate your interest in learning more about the Katahdin National Sheep Improvement Program and Genomic-enhanced Estimated Breeding Values (GEBVs). GEBVs are predictions of an animal’s expected performance and are used by participating members to make selection and culling decisions, reach flock goals, and to improve overall flock performance. To understand more about how this process works, the following documents and educational materials have been developed specifically for Katahdin producers.
Overview of Obtaining GEBVs through NSIP – This one page document shows the interrelationship of the NSIP organization, it’s participating members, and LambPlan, the data management organization in Australia used to generate GEBVs.
Using Pedigree Master – instructions on NSIP website for general use of Pedigree Master.
Overview of EBV Submission Procedure– This document details the process of submitting data to Lambplan and includes information on how to join NSIP, what data is required to be collected for submission, and where and how to download and install Pedigree Master. Pedigree Master is a computer application used by members to store and update sheep performance data.
Overview of Submission Procedure
Entering Data into Pedigree Master– The link below gives step-by-step instructions on how to enter and submit the collected data using Pedigree Master, and what to expect when GEBVs are returned.
Pedigree Master Manual Chapter 4: Data Input
Video Tutorial on Pedigree Master Setup
Video Tutorial on Data Entry into Pedigree Master
Instructions for importing data from a tab-delimited file (or an Excel spreadsheet) into Pedigree Master. This saves you the work of manually re-typing your data into PM, if you already have it in some other electronic format (either in a sheep management application, or in your own spreadsheet file). Also below is an example of what the data file should look like when you set it up for importation into PM.
Importing into Pedigree Master|
Example Excel Spreadsheet
Video Tutorial on Importing from spreadsheet into Pedigree Master
NSIP “Cheat Sheet” – a one-page memory-jogger of how to enter data, retrieve your update files, and view the data in MS Excel.
Cheat Sheet